Cork Shield, a Vipeq Corporate product, utilizes projected cork spray to enhance sustainability and environmental conservation. As a renewable and biosphere-recycled material, cork aligns with eco-friendly practices, comparable to wood, natural fibers, and low-industrial-impact paints and varnishes. This ecological product meets growing demands for sustainability in construction and restoration.
Derived from the cork oak tree (Quercus Suber L), cork is an extraordinary material, with 98% of its mass composed of air. Its lightweight, elastic structure recovers 95% of its form after compression, thanks to flexible membranes. Cork is waterproof, resistant to humidity, and offers low conductivity for sound and vibrations. Its thermal resistance is 30 times greater than concrete, making it a superior choice for energy-efficient buildings.
Cork Shield’s application transforms building exteriors into durable, eco-conscious surfaces. Recent projects, such as the restoration of a historic school building in Dallas, showcase its effectiveness in improving sustainability while preserving architectural heritage.
Video information: VIPEQ Thermal Corkshield
Projected cork works as a thermal corrective reducing thermal bridges in façades, walls and arches. It can also be applied in singular external elements, such as cornices, mouldings, arches, balconies’ ledges and slab structures.
Projected cork is an impact sound absorber, the problem is also known as ‘drum’ effect and it is caused by the rain. Its high waterproofing power offers also an extra advantage to face this circumstance.
Acoustic improvement, minimizes impact, external and air sounds. Sound absorption coefficient (of acoustical materials) according to NP EN ISO 354.
Projected cork is very permeable to water steam and therefore it avoids condensation.
Its high flexibility enables to absorb structural tensions avoiding the occurrence of micro-cracks.
Cork spray has excellent endurance, guaranteed for 15 years, and it does not require much maintenance.
This is your average stucco house, check out these temperatures. How much are you spending on your electric bill?
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This is only one advantage to Vipeq Thermal Cork Spray. Check out all the other benefits oue eco friendly products has to offer
This stucco house has been spayed with CorkShield. Check out the difference in the temperature and this is on the outside. Imagine what this does for the inside of your home.
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